Tekpon bans Russia IP | Supporting Ukraine

Tekpon bans Russia IP from its website | Supporting Ukraine
As the days pass by, our hope is growing. We have seen how humanity has challenged us to see if we are still alive. And we are. Not only the Ukrainians are suffering, but the entire world. And we have decided to support every tech & software company from Ukraine. This is not a political decision. Our company has taken it on a human level.
Moreover, we would like to announce to our partners and users that we have decided to ban Russia’s IP from our website for their safety. We want to highlight that we are not against a nation but a system that brings no good to our world. Neither for its people. But due to the last cyber attacks between countries, we don’t want to assume any risk for our users and company.
We lift by raising others. But we will not lift others that knock down others. Therefore, we encourage all the business founders from tech or software from Ukraine to write us if they need any help. We are sure that in our office there is a place for everybody!
We will always condemn this kind of act no matter the nation involved. And now, more than ever, the world should be united for the people involved. Tomorrow it could be us.