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Freshdesk vs Zendesk – Which Help Desk Software Should You Choose?

Ana Maria Stanciuc
Customer service plays an imperative role in maintaining effective multichannel support for businesses. Therefore, picking an ideal help desk software for customer support is vital. Freshdesk and Zendesk are the most popular choices, each with unique strengths and market positions.

Freshdesk possesses a user-friendly interface as well as a robust feature set. This increases its popularity among small to mid-sized firms. On the other hand, Zendesk is recognized for its scalability as well as powerful integration capabilities; it is more suitable for larger enterprises where complex support is needed. Here, we will look into a comprehensive customer service software comparison between these two industry giants to aid you in making an ideal decision: Freshdesk vs. Zendesk.

Overview of Freshdesk vs Zendesk

What is Freshdesk?

Let us first have an in-depth Freshdesk review. It is a widely used customer support tool founded in 2010 by Freshworks. The reason behind its development is the high prices and complexity of other customer assistance platforms. Freshdesk is an inexpensive help desk platform yet a user-friendly option for small to mid-sized businesses.

Its interface is intuitive and, at the same time, easy to navigate. Furthermore, Freshdesk is comprised of a comprehensive set of tools, such as ticket management, automation, and multi-channel support. Not just that, its free plan offers businesses an opportunity to enhance customer support without significant upfront investments.

Freshdesk offers the following:

  • Ticket Management: Seamlessly organize and respond quickly to customer queries.
  • Automation: Features such as Freddy AI can automate repetitive tasks and, at the same time, offer contextual insight
  • Help Desk Tools: the platform acts as a centralized hub for managing all customer support inquiries, both internal and external. By unifying and simplifying support operations, it provides a streamlined and efficient solution for all support needs.
  • Multi-channel Support: Integrates with email, social media platforms, chat applications, etc., for maximum effectiveness.
  • Customizable Dashboards: Use basic filters for at-a-glance ticket views.
  • Affordability: Offer free plans as well as cost-effective premium plans.

Freshdesk is the best solution for businesses that require an easy yet powerful customer relationship management platform to handle customer interactions effectively without spending a lot of money.

What is Zendesk?

Let us now take a closer look at the Zendesk review. It was developed in 2007 and has grown into one of the premier helpdesk products on the market. Zendesk mainly caters to larger enterprises. Renowned for its robust feature set, scalability, and seamless integration capabilities, Zendesk provides businesses with a single service platform from which they can easily manage all customer interactions.

Here are the key features of Zendesk include:

  • Structured Onboarding: Its guided demos and extensive training library ensure rapid setup as well as adoption.
  • Advanced Ticket Management: Offer efficient collaboration through side conversations and seamless team coordination
  • Multi-Channel Engagement: Support for multiple communication channels such as text, WhatsApp, and Line is provided.
  • Filtration Options: Advanced filters, as well as customizable ticket views, are available.
  • AI Integration: AI features are being increasingly deployed for automation and enhanced customer interactions.

Zendesk’s higher price point reflects its extensive capabilities and is justified by the value it delivers to large organizations with complex support needs.

Key Features Comparison – Freshdesk vs. Zendesk

One of the elements that make the differences between Freshdesk and Zendesk, or any other tools, are the features they offer. Is that platform giving you the tools your business needs, or is it just part of them? Now, let’s see what each of these two platforms has to offer:

Setup and Onboarding

Freshdesk: Freshdesk provides a structured onboarding process designed to assist users in getting set up efficiently. It offers an extensive training library covering every aspect of setting up as well as using the platform. Unfortunately, Freshdesk lacks an in-depth guided setup experience, requiring users to navigate independently through its resources. Some new users find the initial setup a bit complex and lack more direct guidance.

Zendesk: Zendesk Customer Support Tool stands out when it comes to onboarding users. This is because of Zendesk’s comprehensive demos as well as training library. These provide step-by-step instructions that make onboarding easy for new users. From the beginning, Zendesk provides clear step-by-step walkthroughs that guide new users in setting up accounts and configuring essential features. Not only does this streamline onboarding, but it also ensures that newcomers feel confident when navigating its interface. Simple installation makes Zendesk appealing to larger teams or enterprises looking to onboard new agents quickly.

Ticket Management

Freshdesk: Freshdesk stands out in ticket management by offering efficient canned responses that allow agents to respond swiftly to customer inquiries. This saves both time and creates consistency between responses. However, where Freshdesk falls slightly short is in team collaboration within tickets; although it supports basic collaboration features like assigning tickets and adding private notes, Fresdesk lacks advanced capabilities for seamless team coordination like Zendesk does.

Zendesk: Zendesk sets an industry standard in ticket management with advanced features like macros and side conversations. Macros allow agents to automate repetitive tasks more easily and help standardize responses. Apart from this, side conversations provide agents with the opportunity to collaborate without cluttering customers’ views of tickets. Zendesk’s seamless integration of team collaboration tools into ticket management makes it an invaluable solution for teams managing complex customer support workflows.


Freshdesk: Freshdesk has some really great automation features in place to make support processes smoother. This includes automated workflows, ticket assignment rules, and scenario automations, which basically cut down on manual work and make things run more efficiently. And get this – Freddy AI, Freshdesk’s AI tool, can give you a heads-up on what to expect and even shoot out automated responses.

Zendesk: Zendesk has a bunch of automation features to make life easier for support agents and keep customers happy. It’s got smart workflows, automation rules, and cool AI tools like the Answer Bot for auto-responses. Zendesk’s automation is all about handling repetitive tasks and getting quick solutions.

Chat Support

Freshdesk: Freshdesk provides an intuitive chat interface that fosters real-time communications with customers. However, advanced chat features such as WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger integration require additional apps.

Zendesk: Zendesk features built-in chat support across a range of channels, including text, WhatsApp and Line. This integrated approach simplifies setup for users looking to engage customers across multiple communication platforms simultaneously. Furthermore, Zendesk’s native support for numerous channels enhances customer engagement capabilities and guarantees a seamless experience both for agents and customers.

Multi-Channel Support

Freshdesk: Freshdesk allows businesses to communicate with customers using different channels, such as email, phone, live chat, social media, and messaging apps. This makes it easier to keep track of all customer interactions in one place for efficient management.

Zendesk: Similarly, Zendesk makes it easy for customers to get in touch using email, chat, phone, social media, or messaging apps. All interactions are stored in one place, so it’s simple and smooth for everyone.

Ticket Dashboard

Freshdesk: Freshdesk helpdesk software features a basic ticket dashboard. It is equipped with filtering options to organize and view tickets easily based on agents, status, as well as priorities. Although its layout may be intuitive enough for smaller teams or enterprises, larger teams or businesses may require more in-depth customization options. With Freshdesk, users may create as well as save custom views, but the flexibility in tailoring dashboard layouts to specific needs may be somewhat limited compared to Zendesk.

Zendesk: Zendesk offers a robust ticketing system dashboard with comprehensive filtering capabilities. It enables users to create highly tailored views of their ticket queues. Users can sort tickets based on multiple criteria and customize the order and appearance of ticket fields. This allows teams to manage workflow efficiently. Zendesk’s intuitive user interface and comprehensive filtering options help agents handle tickets smoothly, regardless of high volumes or complex support requests.


Freshdesk: Freshdesk has a helpful self-service portal with a knowledge base, FAQs, and community forums. Customers can find answers independently, making it easier for support agents and keeping them happy. Agents can also add to the knowledge base to keep the information fresh.

Zendesk: Zendesk offers a self-service thing called Zendesk Guide. It has a smart knowledge base that organizes all the info for both customers and agents. Customers can check out help articles, FAQs, and community forums. Plus, the system uses AI to suggest relevant articles and supports content in multiple languages to improve self-service.

Reporting & Analytics

Freshdesk: Freshdesk includes detailed reporting and analytics tools that track key performance indicators (KPIs), customer satisfaction scores, and agent productivity. The platform offers customizable dashboards that provide real-time insights into support operations, helping businesses make data-driven decisions.

Zendesk: Zendesk offers comprehensive reporting and analytics capabilities. It includes pre-built dashboards, custom reporting options, and detailed data insights. These tools help measure support performance and customer satisfaction and identify areas for improvement. Zendesk’s analytics also support integration with other business intelligence tools for deeper insights.

AI and Bots

Freshdesk: Freshdesk’s AI tool, Freddy AI, helps with predicting, sending automated responses, and sorting out tickets. It speeds things up, improves efficiency by taking care of boring tasks, and gives the right information to agents and customers.

Zendesk: Zendesk features AI-powered tools such as the Answer Bot, which provides automated responses to common queries. The platform also supports intelligent routing and workflow automation, enhancing the efficiency of support operations. Custom bots can be integrated to further extend Zendesk’s capabilities.

Both Freshdesk and Zendesk have a lot to offer for customer support. Freshdesk makes things easy and automated, while Zendesk is all about customizing and integrating to fit your needs. Your choice between the two will depend on what features you need, how much customization you want, the communication channels you prefer, and what kind of integrations you require.

Freshdesk vs. Zendesk – Unique Features

Yet, although Freshdesk and Zendesk both offer the most important features for a help desk platform, each platform has some unique features that may convince you which one is the right one for your business.


  • Gamification: Features that turn support activities into a game-like experience. Agents can earn points and badges for resolving tickets and achieving milestones, which helps to boost motivation and productivity.
  • Field Service Management: Tools for businesses to manage field agents and their tasks. This feature is particularly useful for companies that offer on-site services, as it helps schedule, dispatch, and track field agents.
  • Team Collaboration Tools: Freshdesk emphasizes team collaboration with features like Team Huddle, where agents can discuss and collaborate on tickets internally. This helps in resolving complex issues that require input from multiple team members.
  • Multiple SLA Policies: Freshdesk allows the creation of multiple SLA policies for different types of tickets or customer segments. This flexibility helps in managing various support expectations effectively.


  • Sunshine Conversations: A platform for building and managing conversational experiences across various messaging channels. This tool allows businesses to create interactive and personalized messaging experiences for their customers.
  • Advanced Data Management: Zendesk provides advanced data management features, including custom objects and APIs to unify and shape customer data across systems. This enables businesses to have a comprehensive view of customer interactions and attributes, enhancing personalized support.
  • Extensive App Marketplace: An app marketplace with over 1,200 pre-built integrations. These integrations allow businesses to easily connect Zendesk with other software and tools, providing near-limitless possibilities for extending Zendesk’s functionality.
  • Enhanced AI and Automation: Zendesk’s AI and automation capabilities are more advanced, with tools like the Answer Bot, intelligent workflow automation, and customizable bot integration. These features help in providing instant resolutions and improving overall support efficiency.

Freshdesk vs Zendesk – Real-World Applications

Deciding between Freshdesk vs Zendesk can often depend on the individual needs of various industries as well as businesses. It also counts on the size of the organization. Remember, each platform offers different advantages.

Here is a closer look at where each platform excels:

Industries and Business Sizes


Freshdesk is an ideal solution for small to mid-sized businesses (SMBs) that prioritize cost-effectiveness and ease of use—for example, tech startups, e-commerce ventures, and service-oriented businesses. These sectors generally find Freshdesk the most suitable solution due to its reasonable pricing structure and simple setup process. Additionally, SMBs in these sectors admire Freshdesk’s capability to grow along with them without needing an extensive initial investment.


As previously discussed, Zendesk is an ideal fit for larger enterprises as well as industries requiring robust customer service solutions, such as telecom, finance, education institutions, and healthcare. Zendesk boasts an expansive feature set with advanced customization options and enterprise level security as well as compliance. Large teams managing high ticket volumes can benefit from its deep integrations, AI insights and multichannel support capabilities.

Practical Scenarios


 Imagine you have started a small business in the software-as-a-service (SaaS) industry, and there are few customer support executives on your team. Freshdesk’s intuitive user interface and cost-effective pricing make it an outstanding solution for such businesses. With this software, your team can quickly implement basic ticketing and live chat functionalities without undergoing extensive training.


Now, suppose you are running a multinational financial institution that handles thousands of customer queries daily across various channels. Zendesk’s robust ticket management features, advanced analytics, and seamless integration with CRM systems allow your team to maintain high service standards while efficiently meeting compliance regulations.

Both platforms boast unique strengths that allow them to meet different operational requirements and business contexts. Therefore, businesses should carefully assess their individual requirements before picking the most suitable solution.

Freshdesk vs. Zendesk Pricing Comparison

Pricing plays a pivotal role when choosing between Freshdesk and Zendesk as customer service software solutions, so here is a breakdown of their respective price structures:

  • Starting Price: Freshdesk helpdesk software is more budget-friendly. Its starting price is less than Zendesk’s, which is $15 per agent per month. This makes Freshdesk more suitable for smaller businesses.
  • Free Plan: Freshdesk provides a free plan that supports up to 10 agents. This feature makes it ideal for startups and small teams that want to test the platform before signing on with a paid subscription. On the other hand, Zendesk does not offer such an option but does provide a trial period.
  • Mid-tier and Top-tier Plans: Freshdesk’s Pro and Enterprise level plans are also more cost-effective than Zendesk’s. This provides potential savings for businesses looking to scale up their customer support operations.
  • Customization and Integrations: Zendesk excels at providing customization options and integrations. While Freshdesk can also provide essential integrations, additional add-ons may be necessary for more specialized requirements, eventually increasing Freshdesk’s cost.

Choosing between Freshdesk and Zendesk depends not only on pricing but also on key criteria like scalability, customization needs, and integration features. Therefore, carefully evaluate all these aspects alongside your individual business requirements to make an informed choice.

Why choose Freshdesk?

Freshdesk provides numerous advantages tailored to specific business scenarios:

  • Affordable: Lower starting prices and free plans make Freshdesk an economical customer support tool for startups and small businesses.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Freshdesk provides an intuitive user interface, making it simple for new teams to onboard quickly and begin solving customer issues efficiently.
  • Integrated Omni Channel Support: It supports several communication channels, such as email, phone calls, and live chat (through Freshchat), ensuring seamless customer interactions across platforms.
  • Ticket Management Efficiency: With features such as canned responses and automated workflows, Freshdesk makes ticket management efficient – streamlining support operations while increasing response times.
  • Scalability: While providing affordable support to small businesses, Freshdesk scales with its expanding teams, giving the freedom to upgrade plans or integrate additional features.

Why choose Zendesk?

Zendesk is the go-to customer service platform for businesses requiring robust yet scalable solutions with advanced features and comprehensive support:

  • Advanced Customization: The Zendesk customer support tool offers advanced customization features, providing businesses with ample scope for adapting customer service processes to fit individual requirements and workflows.
  • Enterprise-Grade Features: This software offers advanced ticket management capabilities, such as complex workflows, advanced reporting and analytics features, and integration with an array of business tools.
  • Multi-Channel Support: Zendesk delivers advanced ticket management features, such as complex ticket workflows and sophisticated reporting, as well as analytics systems. Plus, its integrations with several other business tools make ticket tracking simpler than ever.
  • AI-Powered Insights: Zendesk’s Artificial Intelligence technology helps automate responses, analyze customer interactions, and anticipate customer needs. This eventually maximizes efficiency and satisfaction.
  • Comprehensive Support: Zendesk provides comprehensive support services across multiple channels and has developed an expansive knowledge database to make sure businesses receive timely assistance in solving issues efficiently.

Final Verdict for Freshdesk vs. Zendesk

So, when it comes to Freshdesk vs Zendesk, the best choice depends on your business’s distinct needs.

Freshdesk is an ideal solution for smaller organizations looking for affordability without forgoing necessary support features. Its user-friendly interface offers integrated omnichannel support and efficient ticket management, making it an attractive budget-conscious option with straightforward implementation processes.

On the other hand, Zendesk stands out as an exceptional solution for larger enterprises. It offers robust yet scalable solutions, advanced customization, comprehensive multi-channel support, and AI insights for improved efficiency.

So, both platforms provide reliable tools suited for businesses of different sizes and complexities. Take the next step toward improving your operations by investing in these customer support tools. Reap the benefits of their elite features and boost customer satisfaction as well as operational excellence today.


Ana Maria Stanciuc


Ana Maria Stanciuc

Head of Content & Editor-in-Chief @ Tekpon
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Creative Content Chief

Ana Maria Stanciuc is a highly skilled writer and content strategist with 10+ years of experience. She has experience in technical and creative writing across a variety of industries. She also has a background in journalism.

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